Exactly, Nomad!!!!!!!!! Exactly!!!!! He needs to listen to Snoop's Chronic Break one time. "Treat a girl like 7-Up, I never have, I never will."
But seriously, keep your options open, Unconfused.
i am dating a gal that i met on match.com - we saw each other first last summer, but she didn't think we were a 'match'.
after the "pressure" was off we started hanging out quite a bit with all the benefits that go along with it.
this went on for months.. i became smitten with her, but we weren't a couple, which she pointed out a couple of times.
Exactly, Nomad!!!!!!!!! Exactly!!!!! He needs to listen to Snoop's Chronic Break one time. "Treat a girl like 7-Up, I never have, I never will."
But seriously, keep your options open, Unconfused.
i am dating a gal that i met on match.com - we saw each other first last summer, but she didn't think we were a 'match'.
after the "pressure" was off we started hanging out quite a bit with all the benefits that go along with it.
this went on for months.. i became smitten with her, but we weren't a couple, which she pointed out a couple of times.
You need to listen to some misogynist rap to get you in the proper frame of mind for this situation.
in the congregations i attended more than 60% of the people i knew were on some type of antidepressant medication.
this rate seems much higher than "worldly" people i know/knew.
or perhaps witnesses are just more open about this topic?.
The line of work I'm involved in allows me to be privy to the money spent on pharmaceuticals and I'd venture to say 1 to 2 out of every 3 people you walk by today is on an antidepressant, including myself. That said, I'm leaning towards JWs just being a little more open about it although I have to admit its a little surprising considering the WT hasn't exactly endorsed such therapy. At the most they'll asterisk it as in option in their articles.
sitting enjoying a 70 degree day for the first time since?????????????.
listening to the i pod ....... and this song was my secret dark side!!!!.
pure evil "music" lyrics "band name"................. my secret pleasure!!!
You could change the title of this thread to........Songs You Still Hide From Jehovah Now That You're aAn Adult Too!
i know some dissatisified members have planned to "throw caution to the wind" when they exit and break the news as a stunning revelation of lies.
some of my funniest memories were of teachers and others terminated but since they had to finish their contract, they decided to share their insights and horrors.
in normal life, there is a certain allowance made under the circumstances.
When Bro. Lett said that his wife was from Germany, the bum jumped up in front of everyone and started yelling "She's a Kraut! She's a Kraut!" My Dad and a couple of other Elders escorted him out of the hall. Half of the people in the hall were shocked, and the others were trying to keep from laughing and snickering. It made for some fun conversation after the meeting!
I would have howled LOL!!
she was on a train in september 1938, bound for a ferry to england, when it was stopped at a belgian border station.
an announcement was made over the loudspeaker that all jews should disembark.. with a heavy heart, natalie reached for her small suitcase.
but what she did not reckon on was a group of nuns, in whose carriage she was sitting.. .
Swap 'Jew' for 'Witness' and this would be on the Arse mbly rounds.
is biblical morality situational, based upon the arbitrary whims of yahweh?
murder is wrong... if god orders it however, then murder is right, and failing to murder is a sin.. .
exodus 20:13 versus 1 samuel 15:1, 7-11. .
The kid thing though I can see as being punishment considering that back then, children was a big hey to do. Kinda like Michal, David's wife not being able to bear offspring despite being a gorgous woman and a queen in her own right, couldn't drop the load and that had to have hurt her ego tremendously, although she probably maintained a beautiful figure longer than the other gals. Plus for someone to lose their child, I couldn't imagine the hurt such an event would cause. The most I can relate to such a tragedy would be for those who've lost their children due to whatever causes. Hell, even Santorum felt the need to bring the fetus home, or something like that, right?
For the kid to die, really isn't punishment as he really didn't have a life anyway. For the parents though, it had to have been devestating. Remember when Solomon threatened to have a baby cut in half to give one have each to two women disputing who was the real mother. The fear of losing that child in death was greater to bear than the lying woman being the one who would raise the kid.
is biblical morality situational, based upon the arbitrary whims of yahweh?
murder is wrong... if god orders it however, then murder is right, and failing to murder is a sin.. .
exodus 20:13 versus 1 samuel 15:1, 7-11. .
If so, then the morality was situational - the situation being: a womanizing hotheaded warmonger king having different moral rules than the ordinary Israelite.
Which is why it is the perfect biblical illustration of the OP topic.
It is a perfect illustration, but it can cut both ways to a degree and I say that as someone who still wants to believe in a just God but is reaching the conclusion that I've been mistaken my entire life. The side of me that still has some faith views this as such.......God doesn't hold our hands. With the actions taken in the Garden of Eden(I know, I know LOL) mankind drew their line in the sand. God dignified them to some degree by allowing a measure of independence. Afterwards due to his covenant relationship with Israel, he was able to establish some rules and regulations which they time and time again went against, but in the biggie was that they wanted a king like all the other nations.
Just like a parent attempts to reason with his/her teenage or young adult offspring often to no avale and gives in and allows the young person to make their decision, Jehovah did the same with Israel in their wanting of a king. The kings in other nations were often savages and hedonists and God knew that Israel's kings wouldn't be immune to such behavior. However, Israel wants a king, Israel gets a king!!! For all the good and bad that comes with it. So in this instance, I think that the righteous upstanding that we expect of God gets trumped by Israel's short-sighted demands.
Now do I buy all of that? Depends on what day you ask me.
is biblical morality situational, based upon the arbitrary whims of yahweh?
murder is wrong... if god orders it however, then murder is right, and failing to murder is a sin.. .
exodus 20:13 versus 1 samuel 15:1, 7-11. .
No? What about David and Bathsheba?
Did EVERY Israelite get away with adultry compounded by the deliberate murder of the woman's husband?
That is an excellent point James. The other end of that was the baby dying. Yet other, contradictory scriptures, say the son doesn't pay for the sins of the father. ? . Of course such a thought would negate the entire premise of the fall in Eden----since we are ALL portrayed as being punished for the sin of our father, Adam.
With this, I believe there was a bigger issue at play, that being the Israelites wanted a king like all the other nations surrounding them had. So Jehovah gave them what they wanted, for all the good and bad that comes along with such a thing, including the possibility of having a womanizing hotheaded warmonger for a king.
The Japanese seem like the only ones who know how to utilize CGI properly. I never really watched this anime when I was younger, but when I saw the name in the thread title, the first thought of was "is that the one with the weird blonde lady?" Then I noticed the last two youtube clips.